Rules and policies

PLEASE DO NOT REGISTER AGAIN if you already registered in a previous year. You will continue to receive invitations until such time as you unsubscribe.

Before you express your interest in participating in economics experiments, please read our house rules and Privacy Policy:

Rules for laboratory experiments

  • There are multiple experiments that require participants. For each experiment, only a limited number of people will receive an invitation email. Only these people will be eligible to participate in that experiment.
  • In most experiments, there are a number of different session times. If you receive an invitation for an experiment, you can only participate in one of the sessions.
  • If you receive an invitation for an experiment, you will only be able to participate if you respond affirmatively to the email by following a link to register for a place in one of the sessions. By doing this, you also confirm your availability for the session for which you have registered.
  • For each session, an excess number of participants will be recruited. The first persons to arrive at the laboratory who have registered for the session will participate. Where paid compensation has been advertised, any persons who have registered for the session, who arrive at the laboratory on time, and who are turned away will receive a $10 turn-away fee.
  • In most experiments, participants will receive compensation in cash. The exact amount of this payment will depend upon the decisions that participants make in the course of the experiment, in a manner that will be explained carefully at the start of the session. For scientific reasons, we do not disclose in advance the magnitude of any potential payments.
  • During an experiment, each participant must act in accordance with the rules set out by the experimenters in the instructions.
  • To ensure that only those people who were invited and who registered for a place in the session take part, please bring your University of Sydney student card with you to the laboratory.
  • If you have registered for a place in a session, please bear in mind that if you do not turn up or turn up late then the session may have to be canceled on account of insufficient participants.

Therefore, by expressing your interest in laboratory experiments, you agree with the following statements:

  • I am over 18 years of age.
  • I am a currently enrolled student of The University of Sydney.
  • I understand that if I do not turn up or turn up late for a session I have registered for, this may lead to the session having to be canceled.
  • I understand that if I do not turn up for a session I have registered for without informing the experimenters, this will be recorded and I may not be invited to any future experiments.

The information collected from this recruitment system and subsequent experiments will be used for research purposes only. We will only use your email address for the purpose for which you provided it. We will not publish any personally identifiable information or disclose it to any other party without your consent except as required by law. We will, at your request, provide you with access to any information which we have collected about you through this website in accordance with the NSW Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act. To gain access to this information you should contact us. If you believe that any information is inaccurate, incomplete or out of date, please contact us by email and we will correct the relevant information.

Privacy Policy

The information collected from this recruitment system and subsequent experiments will be used for research purposes only. We will only use your email address for the purpose for which you provided it. We will not publish any personally identifiable information or disclose it to any other party without your consent except as required by law. We will, at your request, provide you with access to any information which we have collected about you through this website in accordance with the NSW Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act. To gain access to this information you should contact us. If you believe that any information is inaccurate, incomplete or out of date, please contact us by email and we will correct the relevant information.

Please refer to the University of Sydney’s Privacy Statement for further information

If you believe that your information has been misused, or disclosed without your consent, you have the right to make a complaint. Please contact the University’s Privacy Officer, Tim Robinson, at For further information see

Frequently Asked Questions